Monday, November 3, 2008


Well we went with some friends up to the pumpkin patch this weekend. Mind you we went on SATURDAY.... the day after Halloween. We thought oh sure it will be open... it is still fall after all. Boy were we wrong. The corn maze had a big chunk out of it where people were driving through it to gather the corn, the train ride, all tucked in it's shed, no pumpkin races, or face painting to be had..... and the castle all locked up. We still had a fun time. The kids ran wild through the corn maze and had a blast..... which they would not have been able to do if they were officially open. They played hide and seek and had a good time, and then after about a half hour someone came out and told us they can't be in there......... FINE!!! We'll leave and NOT buy your cider. I'll just get it somewhere else!! Did everyone but me know they tear all that stuff down right away?? I thought they would have it up for all the fall pickers. Anyway, here are our pics of our fun running rampid day. (haha)

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