Saturday, August 29, 2009

Glori's Birthday~

My baby Glori Girl turned 10 years old this past June~ I officially have no more babies. Both girls are in DOUBLE DIGITS~ Glori had a big sleep over with a bunch of girls. The most fun part of her party besides opening presents was playing water balloon softball. Joey would pitch the water balloon and the girls had to try and hit it. I got some fabulous pictures as the balloons exploded. The girls had a blast and of course did not think Joey should stay dry. They tried and tried to get him wet... and in the end... he would up a little wet~ Towards the end of the evening most of the girls got in the hot tub to go for a dip, and 3 other girls took out Glori's cake to her in the hot tub to blow out her candle. We sing happy birthday and the girls turn around to bring the cake in the house and PLOP~ the cake hits the ground~ OH NOOOOO~ It wasn't so bad though... we could still eat off the parts that didn't touch the ground. hee hee hee hee hee~ Glori is starting the the 5th grade this year. I can not believe how big she is getting. I just noticed this last week how much she's grown recently. Won't be too long before her and Hailey are sharing clothes. She still has quite the mouth on her. She is starting to learn how to use her sarcasm to be funny and not just rude. She keeps us laughing~

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