Life with the Cheevers family is never dull, slow, or lifeless. We are always on the go to and fro. October is one of our busiest times of the year. Kids back to school and involved in their sports. Traveling back and forth from practices to games. And also it is the time we NEVER see Joey. (haha) He is a football referee ranging from middle school to high school. He does about 4 games a week. You'd think we'd see him on the weekends......well then you have all day Sunday full of football!! I have entirely too much knowledge of the game of football and it is taking up way too much space in my brain. I hear women always talking about having a prego brain because we seem to be more forgettful when pregnant........ I have football brain. Too many statistics and knowledge crammed in there for anything else. (haha) We love our football!!!
Both girls are doing great. Hailey has a week off from softball being over and before volleyball begins. Today she went on a bike ride and called a friend. Things she hasn't been able to do in a while. She is enjoying the time off. Her midterm grades were posted and she has two B+ and the rest are A's. We are so proud of her. She does very well in school!! She has made some great friends, who are totally .... like.... BFFL (best friends for life) We have made some really great friends outside of the military and that is really something different. It is nice not always talking about the military and all that goes along with it. It is great to talk about the community we live in and who knows who and who can help with what. It has been so nice making family friends. The kicker is our family friends have kids the same ages as the girls so it has worked out perfect and they all get along great!!
Glori is doing great in school as well. Her teacher told her she was flying through her books too fast and needed more of a challenge. She was in heaven over that!! (haha) She tried out for another play and got a part. She is very excited to start practicing. They start this week and the play is I believe around Christmas or after the first of the year. She is really very excited because a friend of ours is coming this week to start her Gorilla mural in her room. She loves those gorillas to no end!! I too can't wait to see it.
Wrapping up we also just got a new puppy.... Penelop~Pie.... but we call her Penny Pie. She is a white and red cocker spaniel and soooooooo cute and sweet. She is still in the biting ear and nose stage and I can't wait for that to be over, however she is sleeping through the night so I'm not complaining!! Our other animals have mixed feelings. Sugar can't stand her. Penny will slink and crawl on her back and show her tummy and be completely submissive and Sugar still growls at her. Simba loves playing with her. He rolls her around and chases her and has fun. She can get a little too rough with the biting and he doesn't know what to do. He won't bite her back, so he sits in the corner shaking. (what a dork) The cat is very interested in Penny, but if Penny gets to roudy she'll give her a smack or two. I really didn't think another animal would make such a big change in our lives, but she really has. She has brought us a lot of love and compassion, along with patience and sleepless nights. (haha) We love our Penny Pie~
I think that is about it for now. I'm new at this blogging so I hope it turns out ok. I'd love to hear from everyone!!!! Oh......I don't want to forget. My trainer who moved to Ohio is starting up a website for working out. I've very excited about it and can't wait to start working out again. Sarah is the only person who has ever given me the kick in the pants I need to get up and really push myself and I really felt better doing it. Her site is http://www.chickfitusa.com/ She launches Nov 1st!!! Get out there and get moving!!!!
1 comment:
Hello! Cute page! I don't know how you guys do it! Busy,busy,busy! I would be so exhausted! It must be some chinese ancient secret. huh?! Miss you guys! Glad to hear you are liking your new home and neighborhood! I wish I liked mine more!
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