Saturday, August 29, 2009

Hailey turns 13~

Well my Hailey Girl is officially a TEENAGER~ It is quite the sad day thinking my little pink baby girl now a texting, e-mailing, make-up wearing, young woman who does NOT need her mom to go to the first day of school with her. LOL Hailey's birthday was a BLAST. We had a Fear Factor birthday all the way from the activities to the cake and the party favors. Her cake as you can see in the pics was AWESOME!! You buy new cat box and scooper, spice cake and white cake... little food coloring and heated up tootsie rolls and you have one discusting looking cake. The kids just LOVED it. We divided kids in three teams... and let me tell you... getting 18 teenagers to listen to instructions is IMPOSSIBLE~ After explaining each game more than once we were finally able to get down to playing. Our first game was marshmallow drop. You soak marshmallows in a bowl of ketchup. One team mate laying on the ground, the other up on the deck dropping the ketchup covered marshmallow in their mouth. It was soooo funny~ We also played pass the egg... you line up in lines and the first person cracks the egg and you race the other teams to pass the cracked egg along the line. Of course their was a food contest, drinking baby pee and a water balloon toss into the toilet lids. I had bought a jug of Arizona tea and put it in a bucket... the kids had to take a small glass and dip it in the pee and fill a cloth diaper... then ring out the diaper into a cup... once at a certain level... the first team that drinks it all is the winner. YUUUM~ The obstacle course was a ton of fun. We filled a kiddie pool with oatmeal and colored rocks... they had to find one of each color in the pool and move onto the baby slide.. then they had to put on dress up clothes, and go through the toilet lid shuffle... then spin a bat on their forhead 5 times, and cross a balance beam, through the tunnel, cross the broken glass (crushed potatoe chips) slide in the baby oil and tag for their next team mate to go. This was soooo much fun!! All the kids loved it and most participated!! A party to always remember~ My Hailey is just getting too big for her own good. She's really "growing" into a young woman and I'm not much liking it. I caught some teenager looking at her at the store and I politely told him SHE'S ONLY 12 YOU JERK~ She will be in 8th grade this year and it scares the crap out of me knowing what I was doing in 8th grade... right Jen?? lol Softball will be starting on the first day of school and she can't wait to use her new composit bat. Sadly her track days are over. Even though she is VERY good at it, it is a lot of work for her. She took 6th place in the regionals for her 400 meter run, and this past spring playing softball and running track at the same time just got to be too much. Softball won out and I can't say I blame her. She has a great head for softball and such great speed... it sure is fun watching her play~

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