Thursday, November 13, 2008

Cheevers Animals

You have met all the upright talking Cheevers and now here are the four legged Cheevers. Our cat is California Love. We got her from some friends. She is really oh soooo pretty. I love how she is so colorful on her back, and totally white on her under. She is very playful and very strong. She has the upper hand with all the dogs and doesn't hesitate to smack them around. Our pack of dogs commonly refered to as "The Poops" are a fun mix. After we got our second dog and we were potty training him I kept saying all he does is poop. Poop, poop, poop... and then out came...... come on Poops lets go potty... and from then on they are "THE POOPS". The funniest story is when Glori was getting ready to feed them and said.... come on shits lets go potty. I was in shock and couldn't believe what she said. I asked her what did you say.... she looked at me funny and said the shits... we always call them the shits.... I said... NOOOO we always call them the poops. Her face got all red and started giggling. It was oh so funny!!!
Penny Pie (cocker spaniel) is our newest addition. Boy do I looooove this little girl. Her sad pouty face no way reflects her personality. She is on the go 24-7 chasing everything and biting whatever will fit in her mouth. She loves her mom and when scared comes running for comfort. We are still potty training and she just doesn't get it. She'll go where ever when ever she needs to go. She is so sweet and we just love those curly ears. Simba (terrior mix) is a fun loving guy. He looked nothing like he does now when he was a pup. We had no idea what he even was. We bought him for $10 in front of K-Mart one day from a group of kids. He is so hairy and so fun. He loves to run and play and is really enjoying Penny Pie. They play for hours biting and rolling around on the floor. In the summer after we mow the yard his paws get all green from the grass and we call him The Grinch. So much wirey hair!! Sugar (Shitzu) is our oldest. She will soon be 11 years old. When we got Simba she loved him and mothered him all the time. Very protective, and calm with him. The new puppy has sent her to a new level of grumpy. She can't stand her. If Penny is within 3 feet of Sugar's area Sugar is growling at her. I'm hoping once Penny calms down a little Sugar will like her, but so far it isn't looking good. Sugar likes to sleep a lot and keep things slow moving... once in a while she'll bring me a baby and want to play. She is always underfoot and I can't even take a bath without her right by me. Funny looking and grumpy aside we all love our animals. They have really brightened our lives. The girls love taking Simba for bike rides and they totally flipped when Dad gave the OK to get Penny Pie. And as much as he likes to complain..... I catch him smoochin on her now and then. She's just sooo cute.... how can you not???


Anonymous said...

You do have lovely pets, Penny's pics look like oil paintings (especially around her eyes).
C U T E!!Kristy

Christian said...

I didn't know you got Simba at Kmart, that makes me chuckle!

~Cheevers Girls~ said...

Ya Simba was in a litter of 4 others. Some 12 year olds were selling them for $10 in front of K-mart one day. We came out and he was the only one left.... couldn't resist him!!!!

I just loooove looking at my penny pie. She is sooooooo soooo pretty!! I like the pic of her too. Like a movie star posing for a painting or something. (haha)